About Us
St. Mary's C.E. Aided Primary School was founded in 1884, in its present location, by the parishioners of St. Mary's Church, Greenfield, and today maintains strong links with the church and community. The school is set in attractive surroundings with its own car park, an extended hard play area (including an outdoor stage area) trim trail and playing fields. The original building has been modified and extended.
The school can accommodate up to 210 children in 7 classrooms. Our school caters for the whole primary range and is divided into two sections: Infants (Key Stage 1) and Juniors (Key Stage 2).There are 3 Infant classes (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) and 4 Junior classes (Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6).
The aims and objectives of the Governor and Staff at St. Mary's School are to provide a whole range of experiences and learning opportunities which will enable a child to learn and grow, acquire skills and knowledge, find fulfilment and pleasure in the things he/she thinks and achieves and then eventually to be able to play his/her part in the adult world, having an embedded desire for lifelong learning.
The school places great emphasis on fostering the personal and social development of each child. As each child develops, greater responsibility, maturity and self-reliance will be encouraged. The curriculum at St. Mary's provides each child with broad, balanced and differentiated learning experiences, within the National and wider curriculum. The study of English, Mathematics, Science and Information and Communication Technology are at the core of this curriculum.
The philosophy of the school is based on our belief that each child is an individual. Therefore, the teacher approaches the teaching and learning in a variety of ways, ranging from class lessons to small groups or individual work, using appropriate materials.