School Admissions September 2022-23
The Oldham Council website provides parents/ guardians with copies of all application forms (allocation and in-year transfer forms / appeal forms etc) for parents whose children are resident in Oldham, to download.
Please click on here link to visit the admissions website.
Greenfield St Mary's C.E. (A) Primary School Governors Admissions Policy 2022-23 | [pdf 118KB] |
Greenfield St Mary's C.E. (A) Primary School Supplementary Information Form 2022 | [pdf 78KB] |
Welcome to our Virtual Open Day
If you have been refused admission and wish to appeal to an Independent Appeal Panel for a school place for your child, you should complete a School Admission Appeal Form (available from Pupil Services), setting out clearly why your child should go to your preferred school and return it to Legal and Democratic Services. Any written evidence that you wish to use to support your case should be submitted to the Appeals Panel. It is important that you tell the Independent Appeals panel all the reasons why you want your child to attend the school(s) of your preference. If you have any documented evidence to support your appeal, please send a copy with your form.
The date of the hearing will be arranged by an officer from Legal and Democratic services, who will give you at least 14 days notice in writing of the date and time of the appeal.
You can appeal for more than one school. However, you may only appeal for any school once every school year unless there has been a significant change in your circumstances.
The decision of Appeals Panels will be sent in writing to parents by the Executive Director of Legal and Democratic Services and are binding on the Local Authority, school governors and parents.
Contact details:
School Admissions Team
Level 6
The Civic Centre
West Street
Tel: 0161 770 4214 (Primary admissions)