Our Governors 2022-23
We have a committed and dedicated team of Governors at St Mary’s. The Governing Body strives to support and challenge the school’s leadership team, ensuring the best possible outcomes for our children. The Governing Body meets twice per term, once to discuss school issues and once to address Local Authority Actions. A range of sub-committees meets regularly. All Governors have a link class and make regular visits to school, whilst some hold subject link responsibilities.
All Governors have a link class with whom they correspond and visit and are duty Governors each month for the letting out of the school premises. Please don’t hesitate to contact any member of the Governing Body should you wish to do so. This can be done through the school office or the Governors’ email addresses or even just chat to them in the playground as many are parents of the school as well.
Become a School Governor
Link Class Governors 2022-23
Each October governors choose their link classes, usually 2 governors per class. The governors then write to the children in their chosen class telling them a little bit about themselves. The children write back with the term's topics, assembly dates and any class trips and invite the governor to these. The children also send Easter/Christmas cards and calendars out. Governors also attend on governor day usually February each year.
Reception Sarah Roberts and Sara Keaney
Class 1 Ryan Selby
Class 2 Ruth Broadhurst
Class 3 Mark Rahn and Courtney Reece
Class 4 Debbie Dorobat and Reverend Barbara Christopher
Class 5 Rachel Swanwick and Lety Alterno
Class 6 Graham McGuffie and Sam Dainty
School Policy Statement from the Governing Body
Our school gives high priority to the quality of care extended to all its members, nurturing attitudes of mutual respect and responsibility within the school community.
We aim to give each child opportunities to develop their full potential in their spiritual and physical environment.
We work to develop a sympathetic understanding of the Christian Faith and Worship. We also seek to develop a sympathetic understanding of other major world faiths.
We value and foster strong links with the home, church, our local community and beyond.
We are actively involved in all aspects of school life.
OFSTED Inspection and Governance Video
National Governors Association video.
Governors' Documentation
Please select from the documents below.