Head's Welcome
Develop a passion for learning for if you do you will never cease to grow
It is with great pleasure I welcome you to St Mary’s. After a wonderful summer break, it is fantastic to welcome the children back to School. They all look extremely smart in their uniform and it has been an absolute pleasure to observe their positive, enthusiastic manner with which they have started the new school year. Learning behaviour throughout the classrooms has been superb whilst the atmosphere on the playground at break and at lunchtime is tremendous. I am so proud of the children and their efforts at the start of the new academic year.
In order to be Ambassadors of St Mary’s we are asking the children to think about the SCARF principles – safe, caring, achieving, respectful and friendly. Following these principles alongside our Christian values will ensure the children develop into good citizens. We hope you will discuss these principles with your child and support us in our development of these.
It proposes to be another busy term in the life of St Mary’s and I would like to encourage as many of you as possible to become involved in school life, either in class, around school or with the PTFA. Look out for the superb social events for all ages over the year.
St Mary’s is a very special school, with a Christian ethos and values that places our children and their needs at the centre of everything that we do and every decision we make. At St Mary’s, we create an environment where children learn to believe in themselves. Through high expectations and standards children are encouraged to be inquisitive, to become resilient, and to show ambition in and beyond the classroom. We aim to develop the whole child, not just intellectually and academically, but also by providing stimulating and innovative opportunities for each child to learn about and make their own contribution in our world.
Confidence in a school comes from knowing and understanding what is happening in it and it is always our intention to listen and build strong partnerships so that all children, staff and the whole community of St Mary’s will thrive here and flourish. Our vision of being the very best that we can be in the eyes of God, will seep through in every part of school life and I look forward to sharing this wonderful journey with you.
God’s Richest Blessings for the year ahead. I look forward to another happy and successful year working in partnership with you, and if I haven’t see you already, I look forward to doing so soon!