Special Education and Disability Additional Needs Provision
Please find information below about the additional education needs and disability provision across Oldham and at our school.
St Mary's Provision for Additional Educational Needs
Key Contacts
St Mary's School SENCO: Miss S. Cuerden
St Mary's School Governor with responsibility for SEND: Mrs R Broadhurst
Please select from the documents below or click on the picture link to access our SEND Information Report and find out about the provision at school.
SEND Helpline (Talk Oldham)
SEND Helpline (Talk Oldham) is now available Tel: 0161 503 1559 (Mon to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm). The helpline will offer vital Information and signposting for Oldham SEND families during this critical period of uncertainty. The new helpline team are ready and waiting to receive calls so please can you promote the helpline with staff and families? Families can also access 1:1 live chats 7.00 – 9.00pm weekdays www.point-send.co.uk . You will also find this information POINTS social media pages @POINTsend so please share. The attached pdf can be added to schools and settings own website if you wish.
What is the Local Offer?
The Oldham Local Offer provides information on what is available in Oldham for children and young people and their families with special educational needs and / or a disability (SEND). The Local Offer has been produced by children, young people, parents, carers and practitioners working together. Families have been engaged throughout the development of the Local Offer and feedback forms are a fundamental part of it's ongoing development. The Department for Education has put together a Local Offer guide and video which explains what is meant by Local Offer and what you can expect from your local authority.
Oldham Council Local Offer
Please click on the link to access Oldham Council's provision for children with additional educational needs and disabilities age 0-25 and their families.
Please click on the picture link to visit their website.
For information about activities and clubs for children and young adults with additional needs across the Oldham area please select the document below.
Point of contact - Gerri Barry/Jean Reid: local.offer@oldham.gov.uk
What is the Local Offer - CfDC | [pdf 393KB] |
Good Practice and Quality Assurance Guide | [pdf 69KB] |
A guide to making conversations with schools count for all families | [pdf 264KB] |
Oldham Council's Additional Needs Register
Please can we strongly encourage all parents of SEND children to add their details to the register so that they can receive updates and alerts when new services and resources are added to the Local Offer Directory.
Please register by clicking on the picture link.
POINT Co-production
SEND Gateway Resources
Whole School SEND is a consortium of charities, schools and organisations. We are committed to helping children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) or learning differences reach their full potential.
Hosted by nasen, we deliver the Department for Education SEND Schools’ Workforce Support Contract and a randomised control trial funded by the Education Endowment Foundation.
Oldham Parent Carer Forum
We are a member of the National Network of Parent Carer Forums.
Our main aim is to ensure the needs of our children and young people with SEND are met and we bring together parent carers from across Oldham to provide mutual support, exchange information, and influence policy and practice:
- create a culture of participation and co-production across education, health, social care and the voluntary sectors. This means that we can become involved in all aspects of designing, commissioning, delivering and reviewing services as an equal partner;
- empower our members to ensure that their voices are heard at a local, regional and national level; and
- inspire our partners by sharing good practice and knowledge.
Oldham SENDIAS Service
SENDIASS is short for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Information, Advice Support Service (IASS) and exists to help parents and carers of children who have, or may have, special educational needs and/or disabilities; and children and young people themselves, in matters relating to their Education, Health or Social Care provision.
Our support services are tailored to your individual needs and are both personal and confidential. We can offer you:
- Independent information about Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND).
- Advice about working with those involved with you, your child or young person.
- Information about local support networks.
- Support to arrange Mediation and Disagreement Resolution.
- Support with SEND Tribunal claims.
- Opportunities to improve and shape services through our SEND IAS Steering Group.
Support is available by phone, email, website and face to face meetings and our role is to enable children, young people and their families to support themselves.
Please click on the picture link to visit their website.
Families of ASD Children Engaging Together
FACETS is a support group for families of children on the autistic spectrum and their sibilings the opportunity to get together, share advice, support, challenges in a friendly environment on a weekly basis.
They welcome children up to 16 years old and their families on Tuesdays 4.00pm till 6.00pm at the Nicola Hughes Satellite Centre, Wellington Road, Greenfield, OL3 7AL £2.00 per child.
Feel free to contact us at facetfamilies@gmail.com or phone 07887 877508.
Mahdlo Youth Zone
Mahdlo offers a number of out of school activities. Their work falls within six key themes: Get Active (Sports); Get Creative (Arts); Get Sorted (personal development, crime prevention and health and wellbeing); Get Outdoors (outward bound and environmental activities); Get Connected (leadership, volunteering and citizenship); Get Ahead (employment and enterprise).
Please click on the picture link to visit their website.
Telephone: 0161 624 0111