Our teacher is Mrs L. Egan
Teaching Assistant is Mrs M. Harrison
Our Class Link Governor is Sarah Roberts and Sara Keaney
Our teacher is Mrs L. Egan
Teaching Assistant is Mrs M. Harrison
Our Class Link Governor is TBA
Reception - Indoor Facilities
In our classroom we are learning to look after and care for each other because we know that this helps to keep everyone happy. We are trying to share our things and be kind to one another. We know that if we do these things everyone will always be happy and smiling.
Our classroom is a very exciting place and it changes all the time. We have lots of different areas where we can play and learn, some inside and some outside. We have a book corner, a construction area, a role play area, a creative area, a writing area, a sand and water area.
Reception Newsletters
Please select a document from our half termly newsletters below.
Reception Class Curriculum Coverage Maps
Please click on the link below to view the Reception Class Curriculum at St Mary's for 2022-23.
Please Note: These maybe subject to change, as necessary to fulfil the ongoing needs of the curriculum.
Topic Resources Summer Term Second Half 2023
Our topic this half term is ‘Pirates, mermaids and the seven seas’ We will be learning all about the ocean and sea life, Mermaids, pirates and the seaside past and present.
Dough Disco
Dough disco is an activity used with the children in our class to prepare them for writing. Dough disco involves using playdough to music, copying the specific hand movements of the teacher on the interactive whiteboard focusing on different areas of the fingers and hands. Manipulatingplaydough helps to strengthen hand muscles and develop control over the fingers. Snippingplaydough sausages helps develop scissor cuttingskills. Ask the children to show you how we do dough disco in reception class. Click on the picture link for more information or on YouTube dough disco – Shonette Bason!
Reception Class Treasury of Texts
As a school we want to promote reading for pleasure and enthuse your child about reading. We have chosen a range of texts, from a variety of authors, with an excellent record of accomplishment in writing high quality children's books. Please click on the picture link to find out more about the scheme or select the document below to see our Reception booklist.
Reception Booklist | [pdf 127KB] |
Summer Term Second Half 2023
We will continue having a PE session on a Tuesday morning with City in the Community.
Summer Term Second Half 2023
As the weather is very unpredictable at the moment please can we ask that you send your child into school each day with a coat (we always go outside and do the daily mile) can we also ask that in warmer weather they come to school with sun cream on, we can’t apply it for them so if you want to send them into school with sun cream please have a practice with them at applying it. Please also ensure that you send them into school with a hat and water bottle as sometimes we don’t have plastic cups to give to the children.
Rewards and Behaviour in Reception
This year we have a new behaviour policy in place which will be shared with you. Good behaviour and good learning are encouraged on a daily basis and are rewarded in a number of ways.
Children will always receive positive praise and may receive stickers and certificates. In class we have a behaviour system which encourages fabulous learning behaviours. The children are split up into Team Point groups. They will either be in Dovestone (Blue), Indians Head (red), Pots and Pans (Green) or Alphin Pike (Yellow), Every child in school is part of one of these Team Point groups. If the children are placed on our ‘Recognition wall’ for following our SCARF Principles, then they will get a pebble/team point for their team. If a child gets an ‘over and above’ they will get 5 team points/pebbles for their jar! You may also hear the children and staff talking about ‘giving 5’. This is our way of encouraging children to be ready for their learning during our whole class ‘carpet time’. When we ask the children to give 5 we expect to see their eyes looking, ears listening, mouth quiet, body still and mind awake and ready for learning. In Reception we are also learning to use our ‘thinking thumbs’ when we’re on the carpet rather than shouting out.
Kindness Tree
Kindness, sharing and being good friends are all important to us at St Mary’s, especially in reception. We have a kindness tree in our class where we place children’s names when we see them being kind, sharing and being a good friend. If your child is placed on the kindness tree they will get a little certificate in their book bags so, please look out for these!
School Book Bags
Book Bags will be used throughout their time at St. Mary’s to send letters, children’s learning and later reading books home. In order to facilitate this please ensure that your child brings their bag with them every day and puts it in the relevant box in the classroom. Please do not put water bottles in book bags as these are too big to fit in the box, they often spill and ruin the things in the book bag like reading books etc. and the children don’t have access to them during the day. We ask that you check your child’s book bag each evening for any notes etc. and empty it on a regular basis. We are working on helping your child to recognise their name, in order to help with this, we ask that you do not put any keyrings on your child’s book bag as these help them to recognise their book bag and they aren’t looking at the names on each bag. We appreciate your support in this matter.
Water Bottle and Snacks
Water Bottles: Please send your child into school each day with their ‘school water bottle’. The children are encouraged to drink water throughout the day. Please ensure that you only put water in the bottles. We are a healthy school and juice is not allowed.
Fruit: The children have access to fruit during the morning in reception class. This is provided free of charge. There is usually a variety of items to choose from and helps promote healthy eating.