Our teacher is Mrs H. Kent Monday to Wednesday and Mrs S. Nixon Thursday and Friday.
Our teaching assistant is Miss Littleford.
Our Class Link Governor is Ryan Selby.
Our teacher is Miss J. Crone
Our teaching assistant is TBA
Our Class Link Governor is TBA
Our Classroom
We will be following the National Curriculum. Learning is topic based, as in Reception. We aim to provide as many enrichment opportunities as possible with new Art and computing opportunities as well as trips and focus weeks. Transition from the Early learning Goals to the National Curriculum will be closely monitored.
Year 1 will build on the successful principles and approaches encapsulated in Reception but will challenge at a year 1 National Curriculum Level, however where necessary, time will be spent ensuring that objectives from the ‘Early Learning Goals’ have been achieved.
Children will learn through adult lead, adult initiated and child initiated challenges. Free play is called ‘challenge time’ where children have set tasks to complete through independent exploration.
We have a Mathematics area, Writing area, Reading corner, Phonics area, Role play area, Construction area, investigation area and a Finger Gym (to develop fine motor skills). Learning through play will be a very important part of our day, and we will be gradually be eased into more formal learning as the year goes on, so that we stay motivated and eager learners.
Our Day
In the morning we focus on English and Mathematics. We learn to read and write through the Read Write Inc. phonics programme and develop or mathematical knowledge through practical games, activities and problem solving.
In the afternoon we learn through challenges, focusing on Science, Computing, DT, History and Geography, Art and Music depending on our half termly topic. We also develop our spiritual social and emotional skills through RE and PSHCE.
Curriculum Coverage Maps
Please click on the link below to view the Year 1 curriculum at St Mary's for 2022-23.
Please Note: These maybe subject to change, as necessary to fulfil the ongoing needs of the curriculum.
Year 1 Newsletters
Please select a document from our half termly newsletters below.
Topic Resources Summer Term Second Half
Year 1 Treasury of Texts
As a school we want to promote reading for pleasure and enthuse your child about reading. We have chosen a range of texts, from a variety of authors, with an excellent record of accomplishment in writing high quality children's books. Please click on the picture link to find out more about the scheme or select the document below to see our Year 1 booklist.
Year 1 Booklist | [pdf 124KB] |
We are rewarded through Team Points for the right attitude to learning, effort and behaviour. Our behaviour is monitored through the SCARF principles – Safe, Caring, Achieving, Respectful and Friendly. In class one we have a visual behaviour system in place in which supports the children to make good choices with their behaviour and attitude to learning.
Each day someone will be awarded the Daily Scarf Award. This is someone who has stood out in some way, either by the work they have completed, the effort they have put into their work, how they have behaved or how they have treated other people. They get to wear our special scarf award badge, receive a certificate and are treated like a VIP the following day!
Home Learning Summer Term Second Half
Thank you for all your fantastic efforts reading at home. I have loved seeing all the amazing reading going on at home, and the children’s great progress within both RWI and writing lessons reflects this. Please continue to ensure reading books and bags are in school on a Tuesday, so we can take in and swap the RWI books ready to be given out on Thursday of that week.
Spellings Spelling tests will continue to go ahead every Thursday, focussing on applying taught RWI sounds, as well as spelling Year 1 common exception words (tricky words). Mrs Nixon will be continuing to conduct the tests and give out new tests for the following week. T
Book Bags and Reading
Every Wednesday each child will be given a new home reading book (a decodable book, which correlates directly to the level of book the children read in school each week). We encourage your child to re-read this book (at least three times) to help support their fluency and expression (over-learning).
We ask that home reading books are brought back into school on a Monday, so that new books can be organised and sent out on a Wednesday.
Additional to this, we encourage lots and lots of reading for pleasure! Read, read, read! Read favourite books with your children, read new and exciting books that you have never seen before! Read to your children, and let them enjoy and listen to a what good reader sounds like – you are the best teacher!
Reading records will be given out for you to record any additional reading that you do at home with your children to promote their love of reading, and to record any story telling time too.
Teachers will endeavour to check reading records as regularly as possible, however if you have a concern regarding the book your child is reading (as a home reading book) please come and speak to me at the end of the day/arrange a meeting via the office.
Please read with/to your child every night, this is imperative for both their letter/sound recognition to strengthen, thus improving their overall reading and also their writing!
Summer Term Second Half
This half term the children will be taught PE by myself on a Wednesday afternoon. In this session they will be focussing on ‘basic movements and team games (Athletics)’. On a Friday, the children will be taught a dance session by our external provider ‘Sports Development’. This session will take place in the hall, and the children would be better suited to wearing pumps if possible.
Phonics - Read, Write Inc
The children have been assessed and grouped according to their phonics knowledge and skills. Small group RWI sessions will go ahead every day for 45 mins. RWI phonics will be streamed throughout the whole of Key Stage 1. As a school we feel that it is vital for the children to develop and secure their phonics knowledge and understanding, which will inevitably lead to competence and confidence with their basic reading and writing skills. We believe that our streamed approach will help to target and accelerate the children’s progress.
As part of our whole school approach to promote reading and support the children’s love of reading, in Class 1 we will be following a programme called ‘Talk through stories’ derived by the creator of RWI Ruth Miskin. The aim of this will be to extend and deepen children’s vocabulary so that they can understand the books they will one day be able to read for themselves. We will also use these books to create a range of speaking and listening, and writing opportunities.