Our teacher is Miss S. Cuerden and Mrs Meadham (Thursdays)
Our teaching assistant is Mrs Barlow in the mornings and Miss Owen in the afternoons.
Miss Cuerden will be out of class on a Thursday to carry out SENCo duties, Mrs Meadham will teach the class.
Our Class Link Governors are Mark Rahn and Courtney Reece.
Our teacher is Miss M. Pearson
Our teaching assistant is TBA
Our Class Link Governors are TBA
Year 3 Curriculum Coverage Maps
Please click on the link below to view the Year 3 curriculum at St Mary's for 2022-23.
Topic Resources Summer Term
Summer Term Knowledge Organisers
Please select from the documents below.
Year 3 Treasury of Texts
As a school we want to promote reading for pleasure and enthuse your child about reading. We have chosen a range of texts, from a variety of authors, with an excellent record of accomplishment in writing high quality children's books. Please click on the picture link to find out more about the scheme or select the document below to see our Year 3 booklist.
Year 3 & Year 4 Booklist | [pdf 212KB] |
Home Learning
Friday: Spellings
- New spellings will be given out each Friday and tested the following Friday - Children will bring home their scores and a list of any words they may have found tricky - Please ensure that your child brings their spelling folder in each Friday so that I can check they have completed their activities linked to their spelling list.
Friday: Reading Diaries
- Children are encouraged to read each day for ten minutes minimum at home, in addition to the reading they complete in school
- If your child is a Free Reader, they have the choice of which books they read at home. Your child is on the reading scheme at school, we will send home an appropriate book for them to read. Please return this to school each Friday so that we are able to monitor their progress
- Please complete the weekly reading diary with information of which book they are reading, any words they found difficult and if they enjoyed the book. I will be looking at these diaries each Friday and will set additional tasks if required.
Thursday: Multiplications
Mrs Meadham will be leading the multiplication tests with the children each Thursday - She is starting with revising 2, 5 and 10 times tables, and will gradually increase this as the children demonstrate their progress on each set - Please ensure that your child brings their multiplication folder in each Thursday.
Summer Term First Half
Wednesday afternoon (Miss Cuerden)
Thursday afternoon (City in the Community)
Please make sure your child comes to school on PE days wearing their kit. You will receive a text if your child is not wearing the correct kit in school on the day of a lesson.
In Key Stage 2, children are allowed to bring in their own fruit or vegetable snack to eat at playtime. Snacks should be fruit or vegetables – this does not include snacks containing fruit e.g. cereal bars. School does not provide milk but this can be purchased each half-term via arrangement with the school office.
Making Appointments
Please contact the school office to make an appointment if you would like to speak to us about the contents of this newsletter or indeed any other matter. For reasons of safeguarding, children must be supervised as they enter the classroom at the start of the school day and as they leave in the afternoon. This means it is not practically possible for adults welcoming or dismissing the children to speak at length to family members - we do appreciate your understanding with regard to this.