Our teacher is Mrs Blackburn.
Our Teaching Assistants are Mrs Jones and Mrs Barlow.
Our Class Link Governor is Rachel Swanwick.
Our teacher is Miss S. Lawton
Our Teaching Assistants TBA
Our Class Link Governor is TBA
Year 5 Curriculum Coverage Maps
Please click on the link below to view the Class 5 curriculum at St Mary's for 2022-23.
Please Note: These maybe subject to change, as necessary to fulfil the ongoing needs of the curriculum.
Year 5 Curriculum Coverage Map Autumn 2022 | [pdf 68KB] |
Year 5 Curriculum Coverage Map Spring 2023 | [pdf 68KB] |
Curriculum Coverage Map Year 5 Summer 2023 | [pdf 58KB] |
Year 5 Newsletters
Please click on the link below to download our termly newsletter.
Year 5 Treasury of Texts
As a school we want to promote reading for pleasure and enthuse your child about reading. We have chosen a range of texts, from a variety of authors, with an excellent record of accomplishment in writing high quality children's books. Please click on the picture link to find out more about the scheme or select the document below to see our Year 5 booklist.
Year 5 Booklist | [pdf 211KB] |
Summer Term
Spellings will be given out each Friday. Spelling lists will consist of words from the statutory Y5 word list and one or two spelling patterns per week. We will be making use of a resource called 'The Spelling Shed' which provides activities related to the weekly spellings. These will be used to support the children's learning and some may be sent home.
Times tables to be tested will be given out on a Friday and will be assessed each Friday.
Reading is also extremely important. A recommended Y5 book list has been given to the children. We hope that they will read as many of these as they can, over the course of the year. Some will be shared in class, as they relate to our topics, and we hope that others will be read with family members and independently.
Times tables tests will continue to take place each Friday morning. As with spellings, please ensure your child has their folder in school on this day. Some children are struggling with their multiplication facts and we are using them all the time in maths lessons. Without this knowledge the children are at a disadvantage and are slowed down during lessons, often having to resort to the use of multiplication squares. If you know that your child struggles with this, please support them to complete further practice at home.
Summer Term Second Half
PE will continue to be on a Wednesday (swimming) and Thursday (City in the Community). Please, ensure that your child comes to school wearing an appropriate kit on these days. PE kit can be worn for swimming to make changing easier. If your child wears their swimming costume/trunks under their clothes to start the day, please ensure they pack their underwear in their swimming bag. The children will need to be in the school building for 8:40 on swimming day. We need to leave the school building at 8:45, so if you are late, you will need to meet us at the swimming baths. An outdoor kit will be required on a Thursday.
In Key Stage 2, children are allowed to bring in their own fruit or vegetable snack to eat at playtime. Snacks should be fruit or vegetables – this does not include snacks containing fruit e.g. cereal bars. School does not provide milk but this can be purchased each half-term via arrangement with the school office.