Religious Education
The aim of Religious Education at St. Mary's is to offer a firm grounding in the principles and practices of Christianity, as represented by the Church of England. In recognition of the society in which all children are growing up, pupils are offered opportunities to explore other faiths as represented by Britain today.
The school and church, working in a close partnership have created a deeply Christian community where all, children and adults alike, feel valued and supported. Pupils enjoy religious education and talk enthusiastically about how the subject challenges and inspires them. Excellent leadership over time has enabled the school, through its links with the church, to become the heart of a Christian community where all are valued and supported and where, as a parent commented, pupils develop ‘love for each other, their school and the environment’
SIAMS Report (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools), 2019
Collective Worship
During the week there is a daily act of collective worship and a variety of worship is undertaken across school. Themes are identified using a two year programme of Collective Worship. Records of the programme are held in the school office and are available to parents, on request, during school hours. The Headteacher and all teaching staff are responsible for leading worship and ‘The Groundbreakers Team’ from the Manchester Mission Project visit regularly. Members of St Mary’s Church and the Saddleworth Clergy Team also contribute to the worship life of the school each month. Reverend Barbara Christopher is an active member of our Governing Body, supporting the spiritual development of the school. Singing forms an important part of our worship Celebration Worship takes place each Friday and family members are welcome. The school encourages all families to join with us at our regular services at St Mary's Church when we celebrate special occasions such as Harvest, Advent, Christmas, Education Sunday, Easter, Ascension Day and End of School Year Service. Classes participate in presentations during these religious celebrations. Class assemblies to present and celebrate learning and also sporting achievement assemblies are held throughout the year. Provision for worship at St Mary's C E (A) Primary School, Greenfield is in accordance with Manchester Diocesan Policy.
Collective worship is valued by all members of the school community as a time to reflect on the school’s Christian values and to relate those to current events. Pupils respond positively to lively and varied acts of collective worship. Ofsted 2019
Spiritual Development Policy | [pdf 187KB] |
Collective Worship Policy | [pdf 156KB] |
Parents' Right of Withdrawal from Religious Education and Collective Worship
As a Church Aided school, provision is not made for withdrawal from the teaching of Religious Education. Any request for withdrawal must be made to the Governing Body. However, because much teaching is delivered through the thematic approach, withdrawal may have a detrimental effect on your child’s learning. We value the whole school community coming together in a daily act of collective worship and provision is not made for withdrawal from collective worship. Any request for withdrawal must be made to the Governing Body although withdrawal may have a negative effect on your child.
Religious Education Learning Resources
Please click on the links below to access our resources.
KS1 Religious Education Resources