Eco School Council 2022-23
Our school councillors are from year 2 to year 6, they are chosen through a voting selection by their own class. You can only be a School Councillor once. As a school council we have weekly meetings with our teacher helpers Mrs Wray and Miss Phillips to make sure everything is up to date and to see if anything needs to be done. We signed the Pledge for Peace when we signed the Mayor came to visit. Every term we present a power point on British Values so that we are all aware of them. At St Mary's we are a very important part of school life, as it gives all of the children a voice, and a chance for pupil's ideas to be heard. During each term we hold a HEAT Day where we discuss and raids issues around Eco and improve our outdoor environment.
Meeting Agendas 2022-23
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Minutes from Council Meetings 2022-23
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