Lunch in School
All children in reception, year 1 and year 2 in state-funded schools in England are eligible for free school meals.
Please inform your school if you do not wish to receive this offer, otherwise your child will automatically be opted in to the free school meal.
Dinner money is £2.55. Please ensure your payments via ParentPay are up to date. If you have any queries or need support accessing ParentPay, please do not hesitate to contact the School Office staff who will gladly guide you through the process.
Please remember that a three day per week school dinner option is also available at a cost of £7.65 per week.
If your child would like to try school dinners at any point, please don’t hesitate to contact the office for details. We do also cater for any children with particular allergies or dietary needs. Please contact the office to discuss this with Mrs Taylor in the first instance who will then liaise with the Kitchen Supervisor, Mrs. Alison Hopkinson.
Certified Ingredients
The catering service has been awarded the Soil Association's Food for Life Catering Mark, the Marine Stewardship Council’s Chain of Custody Standard, and the Good Egg Award.
The Food for Life award provides an independent guarantee that what's on your menu is freshly prepared, free from undesirable additives and better for animal welfare.
The Chain of Custody standard acknowledges that fish is only purchased from suppliers who support and source from sustainable fish stocks.
The Good Egg Awards celebrate companies who are showing leadership by sourcing or switching to cage-free eggs (barn, free-range or organic eggs).
Sample Menu Autumn Term 1 2022 | [pdf 460KB] |
Birthday Lunches
When it is your child's birthday you are welcome to join them at lunchtime and enjoy a school dinner. Please contact the school office to let her know if you wish to join us.
No Nut Policy
We have a number of children in school with severe nut allergies and therefore, we cannot allow any food products containing nuts in school, eg. peanut butter, Snickers Bars. If your child brings a packed lunch, please ensure it is nut-free.
Fruit and Vegetable Scheme
As part of a government initiative to encourage healthier eating, our Foundation and Key Stage 1 children are offered a free piece of fruit or vegetable daily. This may include satsumas, bananas, apples, pears, cherry tomatoes or carrots.
The current regulations only allow milk to be provided for Reception Class children, for which a small charge of £1.50 per year is payable in the autumn term. Children from year 1 to 6 can purchase Milk for 20p per day. Please ensure you notify the school office if your child wishes to have milk payment can be set up on ParentPay.
Means-tested Free School Meals Eligibility
You can get free school meals if your child attends a local authority maintained school (not private) and you receive one of the following:
- Income Support (IS)
- Income-based Jobseekers Allowance (IBJSA)
- An income-related employment and support allowance
- Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- Child Tax Credit (provided you are not entitled to Working Tax Credit) and have an annual income (as assessed by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs) that does not exceed the current year’s level
- the Guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
- Working Tax Credit during the four-week period immediately after your employment finished, or after you start to work less than 16 hours per week.
- Universal Credit, provided you have an annual net earned income of no more than £7,400 (£616.67 per month) )
- You, as the parent or guardian, must Receive Child Benefit for the child you are responsible for.
- Children who receive IS or IBJSA in their own right are also entitled to receive free school meals.
- Children who receive “education suitable for children who have not attained compulsory school age” will still need to satisfy the additional requirement of “receiving education both before and after the lunch period”, before being eligible to receive free school meals.
Water Bottles in School
School water bottles should be used each day in school. These can be washed in school or at home and should be refilled on a daily basis. Please do not fill bottles with juice. Children are encouraged to drink water at regular intervals, this being a proven way of improving concentration and raising energy levels. We have currently had an issue with our water bottle supplier over the summer. Reception and Year 1 will receive new water bottles, however, there will be a delay for all other year groups.
Replacement bottles can be purchased from the school office from 8.30-4.00pm at a cost of £2.
Guidelines for Healthy Packed Lunches
We pride ourselves on being a healthy school, encouraging children to make a range of positive choices to support a healthy lifestyle. Infant children have fruit provided at snack time and Key Stage 2 children can bring in one piece of fruit or a selection of raw vegetables for break. Please do not send in crisps or other snacks. If your child has a packed lunch, please try to limit sugary foods to one item. Kindly note nuts are not allowed in school; this includes any nut based chocolate spreads. We have children with severe allergies and it is essential that all parents please note this.Meat products such as sausage rolls, individual pies, corned meat and sausages/chipolatas should only be included occasionally.
For more ideas please visit Change 4 Life Packed Lunches
Special Diets and Allergies
Please be aware we have a number of children in school with quite serere food allergies including peanut and kiwi. Please to not send you child to school with these items.
- We recommend you visit the website below for accurate, reliable information on managing allergies in schools.