Our teachers are Mrs Wray (Monday-Thursday) and Mrs Chesworth (Friday).
Mrs Barlow will cover Mrs Wray’s PPA on a Wednesday afternoon (RE) and Mrs Chesworth’s PPA is covered first thing on a Friday morning.
Our teaching assistants are Miss Owen, Mrs Jones and Mrs Barlow.
Our Class Link Governors are Debbie Dorobat and Rev. Barbara Christopher.
Our teachers are Mrs H. Kent and Mrs L. Wray
Our teaching assistants are TBA.
Our Class Link Governors are TBA
Year 4 Curriculum Coverage Maps
Please click on the link below to view the Year 4 curriculum at St Mary's for 2022-23.
Please Note: These maybe subject to change, as necessary to fulfil the ongoing needs of the curriculum.
Year 4 Newsletters
Please click on the link below to download our class newsletters.
Topic Resources Summer Term Second Half
Science: Physics - How would we cope without electricity for a day?
Can you identify and name appliances?
Can you construct a series circuit?
Can you identify and name the components in a series circuit?
Can you predict and test whether a lamp will light within a circuit?
Can you explain the function of a switch?
Can you explain the difference between a conductor and an insulator of electricity, giving examples of both?
Geography – Rivers and Mountains ‘Could we survive without water?’
Our topic focus this term is science and geography based, and covers a wide range of learning from
both subject areas. We will;
• Know and locate the main rivers and mountain regions in the UK
• Know and label the main features of a river
• Know and locate the main a number of the world’s largest rivers and mountains
• Know why most cities are located by a river
• Know where the equator and the tropics are on a world map
• Know the temperature at which materials change state
• Know the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle
RE - Jesus Son of God
Year 4 Treasury of Texts
As a school we want to promote reading for pleasure and enthuse your child about reading. We have chosen a range of texts, from a variety of authors, with an excellent record of accomplishment in writing high quality children's books. Please click on the picture link to find out more about the scheme or select the document below to see our Year 4 booklist.
Year 3 & Year 4 Booklist | [pdf 212KB] |
Summer Term Second Half
Spellings – New spellings will be given out each Friday and tested the following Friday. Children will bring home their scores and new spellings.
The spelling Bee will also take place this half term.
Multiplications – Please ensure that your child can access Times Tables Rock Stars – they are expected to access it every week. If there are any problems, please contact the school office.
There will also be multiplication tests each Friday in class. Your child will be told which tables to focus on prior to the test, and this will reflect the work they are completing on TTRS.
Summer Term Second Half
PE will be on a Tuesday and Thursday this half term.
Tuesday Afternoon (Mrs Wray)
• Rounders
Thursday mornings (City in the Community)
• Invasion games
Children should come dressed ready for outdoor PE lessons. Government guidelines remain that PE should be taught outdoors wherever possible. We will endeavour to deliver PE whatever the weather, so please ensure your child brings a fully waterproof coat to school on these days. It may be, on particularly inclement days, that we have to make the decision that it is not safe to do PE outside due to the playground surface being unsafe.
Wider Opportunities in Music
We are extremely excited that the children in Year 4 are able to participate in brass lessons as part of our wider opportunities program. Mr Haslam will be coming into school each Friday 10:45-11:45 and teach the children how to play various brass instruments. School will provide the instruments so there is no need for the children to bring anything in.
I will be sure to keep you updated of their progress!
In Key Stage 2, children are allowed to bring in their own fruit or vegetable snack to eat at playtime. Snacks should be fruit or vegetables – this does not include snacks containing fruit e.g. cereal bars. School does not provide milk but this can be purchased each half-term via arrangement with the school office.