Our Curriculum
For the children at St Mary’s, education lasts from the age of four to eleven years. It is within this time that we see the most rapid development in an individual. This is brought about by a large number of carefully interwoven experiences. The two major sources of these experiences are home and school, working in partnership and understanding. The aims and objectives of the governors and staff at St Mary's School are to provide a range of interesting experiences and learning opportunities which will enable a child to learn and grow, acquire skills and knowledge, find fulfilment and pleasure in the things he/she thinks and achieves and then eventually to be able to play his/her part in the adult world, having an embedded desire for lifelong learning. The school places great emphasis on fostering the personal and social development of each child. As each child develops, greater responsibility, maturity and self-reliance will be encouraged.
The curriculum at St Mary's provides each child with broad, balanced and differentiated learning experiences, within the National Curriculum and beyond. English, Mathematics, Science and Computing are at the core of this curriculum. The philosophy of the school is based on our belief that each child is an individual. Therefore, the teacher approaches teaching and learning in a variety of ways, ranging from class lessons to small groups or individual work, using appropriate materials and a variety of teaching and learning styles. A cross-curricular approach to our skills based curriculum is used throughout school as exciting topics provide many opportunities to meet all the requirements of the National Curriculum. We have re-designed our curriculum to ensure it is meaningful, challenging and relevant to our children in preparing them for life as citizens of the world. Children access experiences that ensure there is progression and continuity in their development of knowledge and skills.
Leavers have put in place a curriculum that is varied and interesting for pupils. At its heart is the excellent development of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding. The curriculum is broad and well balanced. It is very well enhanced by a broad programme of extra-curricluar activities and educational visits. Pupils’ work in science and art is particularly strong. OFSTED 2019
Learning Challenge Curriculum
Our curriculum is planned through a series of themes and topics, which each offer experiences in all areas of learning. Some topics lend themselves to particular learning areas, but we ensure that we achieve a balance of curriculum areas across the year. We put a daily focus on Mathematics and Literacy through whole class carpet sessions, focussed group work and child-initiated play opportunities reflected through the various classroom areas. We celebrate many festivals across the school year. We also teach greetings in many different languages and put a greater focus on simple Spanish. This allows the children to develop an understanding of multi-culturalism and teaches them to respect different languages, cultures and traditions.
School uses the Read, Write, Inc Phonics programme and a range of published reading schemes and books to teach children phonics and reading.
Reception Long Term Planning | |
Year 1 Long Term Planning | |
Year 2 Long Term Planning | |
Year 3 Long Term Planning | |
Year 4 Long Term Planning | |
Year 5 Long Term Planning | |
Year 6 Long Term Planning |
Further information is available about these assessments. Please use the picture links below.
Year 1
Year 2
Year 4
Year 6
Enrichment Activities
It is our belief that children should have access to a broad, balanced stimulating curriculum and so we endeavour to devise activities which will enrich and enhance the children’s school experience, equipping them for life as a citizen of the 21st Century.
Throughout the year, themed days/weeks are woven into the curriculum to extend the breadth and balance of opportunities available. These include Antibullying Week and Safer Internet Day, Creative Arts Week, World Book Day, Sport, Health and Wellbeing Days, Cultural Diversity Week, Religious Experience Days and more!
We also take part in a range of events inside and outside school. These include Saddleworth Super Council Council meetings, Year 6 Business Project, Oldham Schools Linking Project, Oldham Schools Choral Speaking Festival, Eco-Schools Project, Year 6 Residential, The Animal Man, Healthy Schools and Environmental Projects, such as a termly Health and Eco-Action Day.
Extra Curricular Activities
As a school we offer pupils opportunities to participate in extra-curricular activities after school and at lunch time. At any time a wide range of clubs is on offer – our programmes of clubs and activities available is revised termly depending on the time of year and other commitments children may have. Examples include ICT Club, Multi-skills, Football Club, Netball Club, Lacrosse Club, Brazillian JuJitsu and Art Club.
Educational Visits
School places great emphasis on the value of learning outdoors, educational visits and visitors to school. Your child will experience a number of educational visits throughout their time at St Mary’s, to museums, zoos, places of worship, theatres, local places of interest and an outdoor adventure activity residential in Year 6. These are carefully risk assessed and managed. For activities in the school grounds and walks in the local area, parental consent will be sought at the beginning of the child’s school life. Written parental consent is required for more adventurous activities and particularly those involving a coach/bus ride. Such trips and visits truly enhance the children’s learning experience.